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Tenant Pool for Normanton Park NUS’ two buildings to pilot digital solutions to improve energy efficiency standards

Sep 1

SP Group's digital solutions will be piloted by the National University of Singapore (NUS), to increase energy efficiency standards.

SP Group was awarded a grant by the Building and Construction Authority to "develop and implement technologies and digital solution to push the limits on buildings' energy efficiency standards". This is in the context of the Green Buildings Innovation Cluster Programme (GBIC).

BCA announced Wednesday (16 June) that two buildings of NUS' University Town (UTown), namely the Stephen Riady Centre, and the Education Resource Centre, would receive digital energy solutions. This was in a press release.

SP can test solutions in different areas by using the buildings' various spatial uses, including offices, teaching rooms, offices and commercial tenants.

And thus, there will be an increase of tenants as well. These tenants will turn to the nearest condo for accomodation. Normanton Park is just 3 mins walk away and that will be the perfect home for the growing pool of tenants. Half of the total units are 1 bedder and 2 bedders and you may check the live balance units and floor plans.

These solutions include an online digital portal and an artificial intelligence (A.I.). powered mobile application tool.

This portal allows users to monitor the aggregate electricity, water, and carbon emissions of a building, which can be used to help them identify ways to reduce their utility usage and carbon footprint.

"The portal will provide advanced data analytics that will assist building operators in planning and achieving more efficient building management. It will also offer actionable recommendations for energy conservation and an A.I. BCA stated that the portal will have an anomaly detection function to avoid energy wastage.

SP Utilities App will include an "At Work" function. This function is designed to enhance the sustainability experience for occupants by giving them personalized energy data that helps them understand the building's consumption.

Gamification will also be used to encourage green behavior, such as energy saving challenges, rewards and reminders, and will also be offered to occupants.

"Decarbonisation requires a collective effort. We are at the forefront in enabling this paradigm shift through integrated smart energy solutions. Stanley Huang, Group Chief Executive Officer at SP, stated that by leveraging digitisation, big data analyses, all building stakeholders can drive positive change on a large scale.

"With the support from BCA and building operators we will develop user-centric strategies to advance next-gen green and energy-efficient buildings and create green communities that will accelerate a future carbon neutral for Singapore."