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How Does A Dirty House Affect Your Health?

Nov 10

How does a dirty home impact your health?

Do you ever wonder how your clothes must smell when you come home from a friend’s house? Are you curious about the black streaks on walls that seem to keep growing every day? Mold and bacteria are the answer. These microscopic organisms can live in our homes. They can make us sick, so it's important to take care of them. This blog post will explain the negative health effects of living inside a dirty home, and give tips on keeping it clean.

Do you think you could get sick from living in a dirty place?

A dirty house is more than an unattractive place to live. There are higher chances of developing allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems if there is too much dust in your house. The presence of carcinogens in your house can increase your risk of developing lung diseases or cancer.

Toxic bacteria can thrive in gross filthy, sooty, and grime. These bacteria can cause diseases such as Salmonella, E Coli, and Legionnaires’ disease. Your mood can be affected by dirty homes. Many people report experiencing high levels of stress when cleaning their homes. These tips can help you avoid dirt and grime in the home.

What disease can be contracted from a dirty environment?

Although the list of possible health problems is extensive, it's almost all avoidable if your home is regularly cleaned (including deep-cleaning).

While many people think that a dirty or unclean home is not as harmful as smoking cigarettes and driving without seatbelts is dangerous, there are some serious dangers.

The bacteria that can live in any home, even if it's kept clean, is the biggest health threat. These germs can cause allergies and ear infections as well as make existing conditions worse. Dirty, polluted dust is one of many major sources of allergy problems. It can contain allergens like mites and mold. Unwashed dishes pose a risk because they may contain bacteria that can lead to food poisoning.

Most cases are not severe, but they can lead to serious illnesses. Another condition, toxic mold syndrome (also known as mycotoxicosis), can also be caused by breathing in the spores of some fungi that are present on damp building materials like cement and wood.

A thorough spring cleaning session once a month can help you avoid most health problems. However, if you find your house in an unacceptable state, there are many professional cleaning services that can help.

How does a dirty apartment affect your mental wellbeing?

A dirty house can negatively impact your mental well-being. The first thing that you feel when you walk into an unclean room is stress and overwhelm. If it isn't taken care of, this can lead you to depression or anxiety disorders. It is vital to do the job right and not become overwhelmed with all the tasks in life. When our home becomes overwhelming, we often look to work or social media for help. Our bodies are less able to handle daily tasks such as washing clothes and cooking. Taking care of ourselves through healthy eating and exercise. This can lead you to lose motivation, weight gain and fatigue.

How does a dirty apartment affect your physical and mental health?

Dirty homes can impact your physical health. It can cause allergic reactions, skin irritations, and breathing problems. Also, a messy house can lead to headaches, fatigue, general irritability, and even depression. It can even result in infections.

A common misconception is that you can only feel sick if you live in a dirty environment. Dirty dwellings can cause other health problems like skin conditions and respiratory illnesses as well as developmental delays for children.

Pediatrics published an article stating that children who live with five or more pets have a 28 percent greater risk of developing allergies. There is also the possibility of household mold, which can lead to respiratory infections, nausea, and skin conditions such as dermatitis, headaches, and even asthma.

The allergens found in indoor spaces such as dust mites can cause serious health problems. A second household item that can be harmful to your health is bacteria. This thrives on moisture and lack of ventilation.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends ventilating areas with water damage using fans or opening windows; cleaning bathtubs and sinks with disinfectant at minimum once a week; cleaning bathrooms surfaces daily, and keeping humidity levels below 50% in your home with air conditioners or humidifiers.

Even though you may not see bacteria or dust mites around your home, they could still be there. If you have asthma, allergies, or any other respiratory conditions, it is crucial to keep your house clean.

How can I make my home healthy?

A clean house has fewer pollutants and is healthy. This means that your home must be cleaned at least once per week. You must also have your house ventilated to eliminate any foul odors or clean the air.

You should sweep and vacuum your floors regularly. Wash all dishes immediately after you finish eating, or more frequently if your children or pets eat messy meals.

Wash your clothes and sheets every week. Hot water is best for washing clothes. Bleach can be added if needed. Make sure to wash your bedding at a minimum once per week. This includes blankets, sheets, and pillows.

Consider hiring a professional cleaning service like NW Maids to clean your house at least once a month.

The home's cleanliness will affect the health of the people who live there, as well as guests. It is important to clean your home every week in order to reduce allergens and dust mites that can cause asthma, allergies, or bronchitis.

Why is it important? Cleanliness will help reduce the likelihood of you getting sick or having your allergies flare up. You'll have a home that smells nice and clean, instead of dirty. It is important to wash your hands frequently with soapy water. This includes before and after eating meals, as well as after wiping your nose and touching your pet's face. You can prevent the spread of germs such as colds and flu symptoms by washing your hands regularly with soap water for 20 seconds.


Contact NW Maids to learn more.


Contact the NW Maids Tacoma location:

NW Maids Tacoma Cleaning Service

2367 Tacoma Avenue South

Tacoma, Washington 98402

(253) 793-1664