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Concrete Leveling Repair Typically Begins With An Inspection Of Your Drainage System

Sep 1

Concrete leveling, also known as mudjacks or mudjacks is a method of restoring uneven concrete to its original location without having to pour new concrete directly into it. In its most simple form, the cavity within your concrete slab is filled with an aggregate limestone slurry mix, which in turn gently lifts the concrete to its proper location. Once this is done, you may apply what's called an autoclave to dry the slab. This work should be done with extreme care by a licensed Concrete Contractor with experience in this type of work.

For the most part, concrete leveling repair is simply a matter of leveling the same area that was excavated for new slabs. If your drainage system is in need of repair or if you have collapsed pipes behind a retaining wall, then you can make the repairs yourself. Most jobs can be completed by going to your local home improvement shop.

Concrete leveling is a task that may require the assistance of a Concrete Contractor for most projects

With years of experience in the field, they are equipped to spot problems before they become significant enough to warrant demolition of another section of slabs or a concrete settlement. This is why Concrete Leveling contractors are a top choice because they work in a safe and controlled environment. They don't have to jack up walls or disturb slabs like in-house labor.

Concrete Leveling Contractors Westlake typically begins with an inspection of your drainage system, if your drainage holes are large in size, then they will need to be plugged before concrete leveling can take place. Some drainage holes can be filled with cement, while others are small enough to be filled with cement. The size of the hole will determine how much lifting is required. Lifting the heavy slab requires a crane and or forklift.

Preparing the area for concrete leveling is essential before you can start. You will need to excavate this area with a truck and a wheelbarrow. The area must be big enough to support the entire weight of the concrete slabs being replaced. After the excavated area has been cleared, it can be filled with cement.

The next step in a Concrete Leveling repair involves the leveling the area around the slab that has been damaged. This will include the repair or replacement of broken walkways, lighting, gutters, and pavement. It is at this time that it may be necessary to hire professional assistance for the lifting of the concrete slabs or other large debris. Most professionals can do the lifting quickly and efficiently.